If you are searching for a car which is affordable and cheap then you can get affordable seized cars at Alabama police auctions. These cars are available at the police auctions and are reasonably priced. In fact the condition of these cars is usually very good and you will be surprised at how low and affordable the prices are. For cheap cars from used car auctions locate the cars from police auctions and government auctions and you will get a great bargain deal with a well maintained vehicle. There are vehicle auctions held regularly in every town in the country and there will be such auctions held regularly even in your own locality. Keep a track of the local auctions by looking at the classified ads for such auctions or you could even directly enquire at the police department as to when the next auction for seized and impounded vehicles will be in your area.
Impounded and seized vehicles
These vehicles are sold at almost 50% less than the market value of the cars. This is because thousands of vehicles are seized everyday by the law and it is a problem to store and maintain them. The maintenance and storage also cost the government a lot of money and they prefer to dispose of these vehicles hurriedly in order to save one such expenses. It is for this reason that the vehicles are sold at highly reduced prices so that people will buy them off fast and reduce the financial burden on the government. These vehicles are acquired by the police for criminal offenses which have been committed by the owners who might have been into smuggling or drug peddling. Other vehicles are seized by banks and financial organizations from buyers who have not returned the loans they have taken to buy their cars. These vehicles are usually available at repo auctions.
Condition of the repo vehicles and police vehicles
The repo vehicles are usually almost brand new and are available in some of the latest models. This is because the loan for the vehicle is yet to be repaid and the vehicle is fairly new. The owners also tend to take good care of new vehicles and maintain them well. The vehicles which have been seized by the police could be of any age, model or type. However once you buy these vehicles you need not worry about the documents and titles as they will all be clear. Repo and police impounded vehicles can be found at any of the live auctions or gov auctions and will be sold to the general public.
A few things to be done prior to bidding
It is always good to look at the history of the car before you bid for it. Apart from this you can inspect the car at the location of the auction with prior permission. Take a person who knows about the technicalities of vehicles withy you so that they can see the true condition of the vehicle. You will not be allowed to move the vehicle from the site but can rev up the engine to check on the engine sounds. Once you are satisfied with the condition of the vehicle and have a rough idea of how much the repairs will cost you, you can bid for the vehicle.